Hands On Therapy | Hands On Therapy Mission Statement
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Hands On Therapy Mission Statement

Enriching lives through the practice of Myofascial Release.

My mission with this work:

  • Provide a safe and healing environment for my clients.
  • Draw upon my combined 20+ years of therapeutic bodywork and the healing arts.
  • Provide the highest quality care for my clients.

I want to attract clients who:

  • Expect a therapist who will listen to them and work with them as a team to discover what is needed.
  • Want to take an active role in their healing process.
  • Want to look within themselves for their inner wisdom and come to a new place of understanding of their physical body and themselves as a whole.
  • Are willing to engage in their treatment program by being present in their bodies in session.
  • Show diligence in their home exercise program and, when needed, are willing to address thought and behavioral patterns that contribute to a successful outcome.

Full Mission Statement:

My mission with this work is to provide a safe and healing environment for my individual practice and my dual therapy sessions. I draw upon my 20+ years of therapeutic bodywork and the healing arts in order to provide the highest quality care for my clients. I wish to work with clients who are willing to engage in their treatment program by being present in their bodies in session, show diligence in their home exercise program and, when needed, address thought and behavioral patterns that contribute to a successful outcome. Since healing is often a multi-dimensional process, I consider myself a resource for other modalities and therapists that may be necessary to include in your wellness program.

Since effective long term pain relief requires a joint effort I want my clients to expect a therapist that will work with them as a team to discover what is needed, verses someone who promises to “fix” them. I am looking for clients who want to take an active role in their healing process, who are willing to turn the eye inward and look within themselves for their inner wisdom and who are ready to come to a new place of understanding of their physical body and themselves as a whole.

I follow a few simple maxims in my work:

I can only take clients as far as we I am willing to go myself: I have been through significant healing processes in my life journey and continue to receive this work myself and dedicate myself to self treatment and a healthy lifestyle.

I will never force therefore I will never injure: Instead of trying to force the system, I mindfully and energetically engage with the tissue and wait for it to soften and change in order to release restrictions and holding patterns. I have learned through my training and through receiving this work myself that in order to release holding patterns in the body that cause us pain we need to communicate with the body with a touch and energy that feels safe to the body verses forcing and adding to a pattern of resistance.

Find the symptom and look elsewhere for the cause: Due to the nature of the fascial system as a continuous web the symptom may be quite distant from the actual cause. By looking at the body as a whole instead of separated parts, we can identify patterns and connections that can lead us to the cause in order to find a therapeutic outcome to the problem.

It is my daily mission and honor to help improve the lives of others through exploration, self awareness and empowerment.